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The world has experienced various slowdowns in economies, most attributed to the property and financial market crash. When bad times happens, people return to the basics. What are the “new basics” and how to sustain future businesses?

From sustaining healthcare national coverage to the price of logistics to cross border trade, all are set on “hold mode”, until when?

Uncertainty looms at every corner of our business state. How will countries re-adapt and re-adopt a future skill that will sustain future livelihood amidst the risks of COVID-19. A vaccine will not be an immediate solution, the virus is here to mutate and to return with more surprises. Dependency on technology is a long-term deal, but what would the denominator of the interdependence look like?

Today as we speak, there are more questions than answers. Join a vibrant session with international trade & healthcare expert, Shaanti Shamdasani to get a deeper insight of the directions.

Click here to find out more.

Date: September 25, 2020

Time: 11:00am – 12:30pm

Register here.

Meeting ID: 811 1652 7679   —  Passcode: 972708