The explosions in Lebanon have left hundreds dead and thousands injured.
Along with other humanitarian partners in Lebanon, UNHCR is rushing to support the government with their response efforts. The agency’s efforts focus particularly on shelter assistance, protection interventions and stepping up our current interventions to expand hospital capacity. UNHCR’s ongoing health response for COVID-19 is equally pertinent for the current emergency. A first phase of expanding hospital bed and ICU capacity including with medical supplies and equipment, ventilators, and patient beds was completed, and a second phase is being expedited in light of the saturation of hospitals.
UNHCR Is also with the rescue teams and other humanitarian partners to identify the victims and are extending support to the families who have lost their loved ones. This includes counseling, emergency cash and help with burial arrangements. UNHCR’s immediate humanitarian response to the tragic blast covers the entire community – including Lebanese, refugees and migrant workers.
As part of the inter-agency humanitarian appeal, UNHCR is mobilizing US$12 million for its emergency response to the hardest-hit and most vulnerable households in Beirut. This package includes US$9.6 million for shelter interventions and US$2.44 million for protection activities for the next three months. UNHCR is appealing to you for help. Contact for more info.