Stephen Crowe

Human Capital Committee Co-Chair

Senior Director, HRBP, Enterprise Sales

In my position as Strategic head of Human Resources for PayPal Asia Pacific and our International HQ base in Singapore, I have to date partnered effectively with the EDB, MCI, IMDA, DISSG plus local employment boards, to directly grow our Singaporean core across all domains.

I have over 20 years of experience in HR across all domains, working operationally and strategically, for large multinationals across HQ offices and satellite remote offices; covering North America; Latin America; EMEA; Asia; and Australia.

In Singapore, the work I have directly led was specifically referred to in exception by MTI Minister Alvin Tan in September 2021 during Singapore’s parliamentary marathon 10-hour debate on the future of work in Singapore as “a Leading Example of a company that has set the tone for others to strengthen their Singaporean Core”. We were the only company in Singapore called out in the debate for such an exemplary approach.

In addition to strengthening our relationship with the Singapore government, this announcement enabled us to position PayPal as an engaged private sector partner that is committed to Singapore’s post-pandemic recovery by creating opportunities for an evolving workforce. It has also helped highlight our culture and the impact of our Singapore-based teams, in turn greatly supporting our local Employer Brand, talent attraction, and retention efforts.

Amongst the Business Lines I support, I am the go-to person for Organizational Design and Human Capital Planning and actually led our company PMO function directly for the Business (outside HR) for a six-month secondment in 2018 when we underwent the largest organizational and structural changes in our company history when we dismantled regional Sales Business units and moved to a model based on Global Segmentation. I was directly approached for this role by a former leader and reported directly to members of our global company board during this time.

I have been actively involved with AmCham in Ireland for several years and recently in Singapore and have previously attended several events and gotten to know AmCham leads well in Ireland.

Personally, I was born in the UK to Irish immigrants and hold Irish nationality and Singaporean residency; having lived in Ireland, the UK, and now Singapore, for five years also in Brussels, where my two wonderful sons were born.