Business Women Grow Economies: Singapore is Next

Check out the recent research developed by Accenture and WEConnect International, and supported by The American Chamber of Commerce (AmCham) Singapore, that explored the benefits of growing the number of women-owned businesses and highlights barriers faced by...

TEASPEC Takes To The Mandrake’s

London — Singapore-based TEASPEC on Tuesday was unveiled as part of Mandrake Hotel London’s inaugural Shamanic Tea Experience (STE). The event, which was hosted at Mandrake Hotel’s acclaimed YOPO  estaurant, captures the imagination by displaying the most exotic teas...

SAIAC Consulting Business Report August 2020

The recent economic downward curve has gotten many governments to dig deep into their pockets, coughing out stimulus in the amounts never done before. This, undoubted, is one of the worst recessions the world has experience. An “Economic Re-Set”, aka, a...


  The world has experienced various slowdowns in economies, most attributed to the property and financial market crash. When bad times happens, people return to the basics. What are the “new basics” and how to sustain future businesses? From sustaining healthcare...